Wednesday, September 8, 2010



Japanese Name: Pikachyuu
Type: Electric

Species: mouse

Height: 1' 04"

Weight: 13.0 lb

Evolution: Pikachu evolves to Raichu with the Thunderstone

Description: These mouse-like creatures are among the most sought-after Pokémon. Trainers often have a hard time keeping several Pikachu in one place, however, because a high concentration of Pikachu will trigger electrical disturbances in the atmosphere.(

As one of the most popular and well known pokemon ive decided that he would be a a great pokemon to use in my poke-blog.  Pikachu was the first pokemon that Ash Ketchum got, it was givin to him by Proffesor Oak as a starter pokemon.  Ive always thought it was stupid that pikachu didnt have to stay in a pokeball but all the other pokemon did.  I always liked charmander and charizard and even though i like them even now, for the longest time electric pokemon were my favorite.

I cant wait to start posting about the advantures of pikachu and Ash on their journy to become pokemon master.